Wilder Hydroelectric Project Informational Meeting 08/07/24

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Great River Hydro LLC (GRH) has initiated the process to obtain a new license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to continue to operate the Wilder, Bellows Falls, and Vernon Hydroelectric Projects located on the Connecticut River in the towns of Hartford, Rockingham, and Vernon, Vermont. As part of this process, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (Department) is reviewing applications for a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification, required pursuant to the provisions of Section 401 of the federal Clean Water Act, 33 USC section 1341. Great River Hydro proposes to operate the Wilder, Bellows Falls, and Vernon Hydroelectric Projects to target a specified water level at the dam and, as a result, maintain flow below the Projects equal to the approximate inflow as measured or calculated at the dam (inflow equals outflow or IEO). In addition to IEO Operation, GRH proposes restricted discretionary flexible operation capability, as well as the ability to respond to emergencies and ISO-NE requirements. Any applicant for a water quality certification must demonstrate that the project will be in compliance with the Vermont Water Quality Standards by not having an undue impact on the aquatic environment, or the designated and existin g uses of the waters of the State. The Department is hosting three informational meetings. The purpose of the meetings is to answer questions related to the water quality certification applications and process. The Department also welcomes public feedback or additional data before issuing draft water quality certifications on the Projects.

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