Hunting for Chanterelles: Hartford Salamander Team

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Cantharellus Cibarius is the taxonomic name for the local "golden chanterelle" species - a prized edible, and ecologically important mycorrhizal fungus. Like other mycorrhizal fungi species (the things that sprout mushrooms), these associate with local oak tree species and tend to sprout in little slightly disbursed patches. If you're learning for edibility purposes, be sure to familiarize yourself with Omphalotus Illudens (a toxic similar looking species). Golden oysters may also soon cross your radar if you're looking for orange-gold edible species. Video created by Ben with the Hartford Salamander Team. The Team trains volunteers to help reduce frog and salamander roadkill during their annual spring migration. We also do educational meetups each month - please send an email to for more information.

Upcoming air times

Tomorrow at 10:26 AM
Tomorrow at 6:56 PM